Sustainable Transportation Grant Project for Affordable Housing - Phase 2
The work generally consists of the installation of concrete sidewalk panel replacement/grinding, five (5) new curb ramps and two (2) new Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon (RRFBs) along Pueblo Avenue. Installation of concrete sidewalk panel replacement/grinding, and driveway replacement/conform on Old Soscol Way. Installation of ten (10) new Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon (RRFBs) along the bike path stretching from California Avenue to Vallejo Street.
Bidding Closed
Prebid Date2/13/23 9:00am
Bid Date2/28/23 3:00pm
Company & Contacts
City of Napa
Dwight Bray
Napa, CA
Engineer’s Estimate: $408,000.00